
Willaston Primary Academy

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Willaston Primary Academy

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Within Science at Willaston, we aim to create individuals who have a breadth of scientific knowledge and skills, which they develop through a range of activities both inside and outside the classroom. Knowledge and skills are mapped across the whole school to ensure they build upon one another.  Content is also carefully considered so pupils learn about key environmental issues and the impact of science in supporting sustainability; a key curriculum theme which forms part of our global learning. Children are given the independence to develop as confident scientists who can safely aspire to live healthy, successful lives in the environment we live in. Allowing children to experience Science in a range of contexts is important at Willaston, this can be done through a cross curricular approach, exciting trips and through special visitors to school.


We want children to enjoy learning in science regardless of their ability. Children tell of many thrilling scientific opportunities they have experienced including our annual Science Week where we invite parents and local visitors to share their Science expertise and participate. We have Science  workshops across the school and  whole-school Science challenge days, which spark their ambitions. Themed days are also a great highlight for our pupils, including our STEM inter-house Pumpkin challenge! Through class and whole-school topics, children learn about important scientific individuals from a range of genders, backgrounds and cultures, who have influenced our lives today. For more information about individual classes please look at the class pages.
